of chiral compounds is dictated by chiral recognition
and molecular self-assembly in solution. However, their interplay
remains elusive. The reason for the considerably reduced polymorphism
in chiral molecules than that of nonchiral molecules remains unclear.
Herein, we use a combination of experimental and computational techniques
to show that excessive enantiomer functioning, as a native crystallization
inhibitor, selectively suppresses the crystallization of racemic polymorphs,
affording preferential crystallization of the metastable α polymorph
of dl-methionine. Bulk crystallization assays show concomitant
crystallization of the α and β polymorphs of racemic dl-methionine in the solution with no enantiomeric excess. However,
when the solution contains excessive d-/l-methionine
enantiomer, only the metastable α form can be crystallized.
Crystal growth experiments, fluoresce confocal microscopy, and atomic
force microscope surface topology measurements reveal the growth inhibition
of both polymorphs with preferential suppression of the β form
by excess native enantiomer. Binding energy calculations and molecular
dynamic simulations further demonstrate the preferential adsorption
of excessive enantiomers on the (0 0 2) facet of the β form
over the α form. Overall, our results uncover a unique chiral
self-positioning mechanism where the excess enantiomer solutes serve
as a native growth inhibitor to disrupt the kinetics of racemic polymorphic
crystallization, affording selective crystallization of only one polymorph
of dl-methionine. Our results highlight the important effect
of excess enantiomer in a solution on the polymorph occurrence of
chiral molecules