Genome-scale determination of 5´ and 3´ boundaries of RNA transcripts in Streptomyces genomes.


Streptomyces species are gram-positive bacteria with GC-rich linear genomes and they serve as dominant reservoirs for producing clinically and industrially important secondary metabolites. Genome mining of Streptomyces revealed that each Streptomyces species typically encodes 20-50 secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters (smBGCs), emphasizing their potential for novel compound discovery. Unfortunately, most of smBGCs are uncharacterized in terms of their products and regulation since they are silent under laboratory culture conditions. To translate the genomic potential of Streptomyces to practical applications, it is essential to understand the complex regulation of smBGC expression and to identify the underlying regulatory elements. To progress towards these goals, we applied two Next-Generation Sequencing methods, dRNA-Seq and Term-Seq, to industrially relevant Streptomyces species to reveal the 5´ and 3´ boundaries of RNA transcripts on a genome scale. This data provides a fundamental resource to aid our understanding of Streptomyces' regulation of smBGC expression and to enhance their potential for secondary metabolite synthesis

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