A college-based management model of extension service program for the Dominican St. Catherine of Siena-school system


This descriptive evaluative study documents the experiences of the Dominican-St. Catherine of Siena Tertiary Level Schools that are involved specifically in the management of extension services programs for indigenous people. The study is focused on the Aeta Integrated Program of Siena College, Quezon City and Health Resource Development Program of Holy Trinity College, Puerto Princesa City. The ultimate aim of this study is to come up with a college-based management model that is deemed to be more effective in future policy making, planning and implementation of extension service programs.The study employed several evaluation methods like interview, documentary analysis, questionnaire and direct observation to obtain information. The principal tools for gathering data are two sets of questionnaire developed by the researcher. The Questionnaire used for college-based respondents revealed information about the Profile of the Respondents, Vision-Mission and Objectives of ESPs, Personnel Involved and their functions, Planning and Programming Schemes, Resources (fiscal, human and material), Problems encountered and solutions adopted, Roles played by Program Implementors, Their level of effectiveness, Strategies in the delivery of services, Monitoring and Evaluation Schemes and Status of Management Functions.The Questionnaire for the respondent beneficiaries revealed the following information: Spiritual Development, Intellectual (Knowledge and Skills), Economic (Livelihood), Physical (Health), Social and Housing. The researcher developed an eclectic model of survey based on the process of summative evaluation according to Herman, Morris and Fitz-Gibbon (1990) and the three models of evaluation by UNESCO (1993) which are Monitoring and Evaluation (Income Generating Programs, IGP), Post Literacy Programmes Evaluation and Feedback, and Equivalency Programmes Evaluation. The findings were used as background data to bring about the transition from the old model to the development of a Proposed Management Model of Extension Service Program in accordance with the philosophy and objectives of Dominican-St. Catherine of Siena Schools

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