
A note on the King Island emu.


The present note is to be regarded as being strictly additional to the published data of Spencer and Kershaw (1910). To recapitulate, it may be said that the authors quoted describe Dromaeus minor in the following terms: "Size varying considerably, but always smaller than that of D. novae-hollandiae ; not exceeding that of D. peroni, but of more robust build. Tibio-tarsus rarely exceeding 330 mm., most usually from 270-320 mm., in greatest length. Tarso-metatarsus rarely exceeding 280 mm., most usually from 220-280 mm. in greatest length. Frontal region of skull dome-shaped. Length of skull from frontal suture to occiput not, or only slightly, exceeding 60 mm. Greatest width of the skull not, or only slightly, exceeding 55 mm. Habitat: King Island, Bass Strait. Now extinct." The range of measurements here given is wide, and it must be noticed that the exact ratio between the tibio-tarsus and tarso-metatarsus of any single bird is not stated. As a matter of fact, I happen to know that the material Spencer and Kershaw worked upon did not contain any three leg bones that were beyond all question associates — neither did they hold any two that they could be certain were parts of a single bird. In these circumstances the notes I am here putting upon record should be welcome ones, as they detail the osteology of various bones, found buried in actual position,and beyond all doubt parts of a single individual Em

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