
Resumen del póster presentado a la XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química, celebrada en el Palacio de Congresos de Granada, del 27 de junio al 30 de junio de 2022.Magnetic molecules have been proposed as versatile building blocks for quantum computing and molecular spintronics devices. The molecular spin can be used to encode quantum information in qubits or even perform logic operations as quantum gates with unmatched reproducibility and scalability. In spintronics, that same molecular spin can be used to generate spin currents in molecular based spin filters, spin switches or spin valves in carbon-nanotube/molecule hybrids, among other applications. Several strategies have been followed to couple the magnetic molecules to carbon nanotubes: direct physisorption of the molecules, covalent bonding or encapsulation of the magnetic molecules. We have developed the synthesis of mechanically interlocked rotaxane-like SWCNT derivatives (MINTs), in which the ring-closing metathesis of a U-shape molecule around SWCNTs is templated. In particular, we fabricated Cu2+ and Co2+ metalloporphyrin dimer rings mechanically interlocked around carbon nanotubes to form magnetic MINTs (mMINT). Magnetic porphyrins are selected due to their recently proved suitability as qubits, even preserving their magnetic properties and quantum coherence on surfaces. The mechanical bond places the porphyrin magnetic cores in close contact with the SWCNT without disturbing the molecular spin nor the carbon nanotube structure. The magnetic properties of the metallic dimers are preserved upon formation the mechanically interlocked hybrid.Peer reviewe

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