Archaeological studies conducted in Gua Pelangi, Negeri Sembilan have been able to find an early civilization
aged between 14,000 to 9,000 thousand years ago which was used as a shelter from hot rain and wild animals, in addition to
making stone tools and food preparation. The interpretation was based on the findings of 299 lithic artifacts, 52,929 faunal
remains and evidence of burning such as ash, charcoal and burning sediments that are still in situ have been recorded. This
site is also used as a workshop for the manufacture of stone tools with the presence of hammer stone, cores, anvil, flake,
chopper and debitage. Analysis of the fauna remains found clearly shows that this community hunts and collects terrestrial,
arboreal/semi-arboreal and aquatic/semi-aquatic vertebrate animals and mollusk shells. Based on the scientific evidence,
ecotourism activities involving cave exploration, pioneering and jungle trekking, camping, limestone hill climbing, cooking
demonstrations in the forest and visits to local community villages have been carried out. This shows that efforts to develop
Gua Pelangi into a tourism product have begun and this is able to develop the economy of the local community in the area