Volcanic eruptions is a natural disaster that produces a wide impact on disaster affected areas.The losses suffered from volcanic eruption are not small. The threat of volcanic eruption can be minimized by making disaster vulnerability maps in areas prone to volcanic eruption. Mount Bromo is a volcano that still active and famous as one of the best tourist destinations in Indonesia. Vulnerability disaster map of Mount Bromo is needed to minimize the losses that can occur in the tourist area of Mount Bromo. The vulnerability disaster mapping of Mount Bromo using GIS (geographic information system). The vulnerability map is created using vulnerability parameters of social and enviromental that refers to PERKA BNPB no.2 year 2012. The vulnerability parameters are combined and weighted to produce disaster vulnerability maps. Remote sensing technology using Sentinel-1 imagery to obtain lava flow pattern form digital elevation model (DEM) that obtained from InSAR process. Landsat-8 imagery used to obtain land cover with Supervised Maximum Likelihood classification. Lava flow and land cover data overlay to become a disaster prone map area of Mount Bromo. This research produces maps with information of vulnerability level of Mount Bromo. Low vurnerability area of 4346,009 hectare (86,018%), medium area of 694,920 hectare (13,754%) and high level area of 11,528 hectare (0,228%). The impact of eruption of Mount Bromo with lava flows with radius of 25, 50 and 75 meters of the most exposed land cover with lava eruption is brown sand with percentage of exposed lava flow compared with other land cover reaches 30%. The most disaster-prone areas affected by a radius of 0,3 β 2,5 kilometers are white sand and for a radius 2,5 -5 kilometers is brown sand. reliability of the vulnerability map of Mount Bromo disaster with reference research at a good reliable level because the parameters used are adjusted to the condition on Mount Bromo which is rarely settled up to a radius of 5 kilometers. This research is expected to provide information to the citizens, tourists and local goverment regarding the vulnerability of Mount Bromo so that it can be a reference to improve the readiness and alertness in facing threat of eruption at Mount Bromo