At the moment, chronic disease have become the highest cause for morbidity and mortality in the world. One of the risk factors for chronic disease to develop is low physical activity. Obesity, which is determined by body mass index (BMI) and excessive waist circumference may be risk to cardiovasculear disease, one of chronic disease. The aim of this study was to know the association between physical activity level with BMI and waist circumference in third year medical students at University of Indonesia. The research subjects were between 19β25 years of age and filled out a physical activity questionnarre (RISKESDAS 2007) to define the level of their physical activity. From 36 subjects, 12 in the low physical activity level group, 12 in the moderate physical activity level group, and 12 in the high physical activity level group were randomly selected for measurement of BMI and waist circumference. Physical activity levels were not associated with BMI (p=0,889). Physical activity levels were not associated with waist circumference (p=1,000).