Magelang town is a regency located in Central Java province which has an area of 1085.73 km2, with a population of 1.221.681 inhabitants in 2013 and consists of 21 districts. One of the tourist attractions and the most demanding for domestic and foreign tourists in Magelang is Borobudur Temple. Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located in the village of Borobudur, District Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. Borobudur is still used as a place of religious pilgrimage. Given the Borobudur Temple is an important area , it is necessary to research on the economic value of the region. The method used in this study, for the determination of the sample was Probability Sampling, where the opportunities of each respondents selected are equal, with the Accidental Sampling technique i.e. respondents taken are anyone by chance who came for a visit in the site of the Borobudur Temple. The questionnaire that is used sourced from BPN format 212 tax return form for the TCM approach (Travel Cost Method) and 211a form for the CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) approach. Results obtained from the study of this final project is the Economic Value Area Zone maps with local tourists Consumer Surplus value of Rp 6.623.462, - and foreign tourists Consumer Surplus of Rp 95.466.091, - per individual per year, with a value of WTP Rp 49.506, - in order to obtain the total value of economic attraction Borobudur Temple Rp 37.288.351.278.790, - (the value of the consumer surplus per individual per year multiplied by the number of visitors in 2014). With the average number of 4 visits per year and number of visitors amounted to 2.835.571 in 2014