
Parcel Reservation System Using Visual Basic 6.0


Progress in the field of computers at this time the community has been very rapid.Benefits of computerization not only enjoyed by large companies but also by smallcompanies and even individuals. One progress computer is a database processingsystem.Computerized data processing company is very helpful in treating parcel data,especially data that is quite large. Computerization is part of the activities of a largeparcel companies benefit in the advancement of the company. Computerization willalso show the performance of the company to the customer so they will create theimpression keprofesionalismean company by customers.Performance of the company depends on the data and information quickly andaccurately. Search and exchange information in the parcel company becomes fasterand will certainly reduce the waste of time in the company. The report will be fasterup to the boss so it is easy monitoring of the company

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    Last time updated on 21/11/2017