
Studi Tentang Perbedaan Jarak Perumahan ke Tpa Sampah Open Dumping dengan Indikator Tingkat Kepadatan Lalat dan Kejadian Diare (Studi di Desa Kenep Kecamatan Beji Kabupaten Pasuruan)


In many developing countries, people still use open dumping method to dismissal garbage although this method is not suggested. Garbage become the best place for vector breeding place. Flies is one of vector that spread gastrointestinal disease, especially diarrhea. Refuse final disposal (TPA) in countryside of Kenep, District of Beji, Sub-Province Pasuruan still use open dumping method. The aim of this study was to study settlement distances to TPA open dumping with level density of flies and occurrence of diarrhea in society resident of Kenep. This study was analytical observasional study with cross-sectional approach. Research sample was resident who residing around TPA Kenep. Sample was devided into three area with 0-£ 1 km (Area I), >1 - £ 2 km (Area II), >2 - £ 3 km (Area III). Chi square and Fixer Exact were used for analyze relationship between settlement distance and density level of flies at TPA open dumping. The result showed that there was association between settlement distance and density level of flies. There was association between settlement distance and diarrhea. Occurance of diarrhea in Kenep had association with density level of flies. It were concluded that settlement distance, density level of flies and occurance of diarrhea significantly different. Keywords : density level of flies, diarrhea, open dumping, settlement distanc

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    Last time updated on 15/02/2017