The basic of this dissertation is the rise of "big data" and the use of analytics to storehouse the data. Big data is mainly used to analyze the large amount of data. The Big data store large amount of data and provide helpful information in an efficient manner leads a system toward a serious computational challenges, like to analyze, mixture, and store, where information are remotely collected. In the recent times, data warehousing, data repository and data mining are mostly used for Bid data. Big data warehouse known as terabytes which mean data collect in warehouse was terabytes in storage but in recent time it is petabytes, and the data built at a high speed. The progress in companies and organization is mainly because it store and analyze the data at greater levels and in greater details, as well as meta data , Web data and code-generated data, to build better relationship between customer and market behavior. Big data provide helpful information to achieve a goal. A lot of companies in recent time use big data to improve their quality. Growth of big data increase at higher speed in recent time, even trend going in coming year