
Laurence Binyon and the modernists: Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, and Marinetti


This article will claim that Laurence Binyon deserves a re-assessment for two reasons: his critical work has echoes in the poetic theory of Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot, and, secondly, he was a pivotal figure for the avant-garde in Britain. Although Binyon started his career in the late Victorian period and his work may not appear to diverge from that of his direct predecessors, he was susceptible to some of the most innovative artistic movements of the early twentieth century. His early texts on Chinese and Japanese art show that Binyon was much more modern than Pound’s biographers claim, and his work needs to be assessed in that light. Binyon’s use of the term “make it new” long before Pound first mentioned it, and his progressive poetics in “Poetry and Modern Life”, are particularly interesting for our thesis

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