
Een structurele hervorming van het Belgische pensioensysteem: macro-economische effecten, beleidsaanbevelingen en reflecties op de voorstellen van de Commissie Pensioenhervorming 2020-2040.


This article describes the results of recent academic research conducted at the Department of Social Economics at Ghent University concerning the macroeconomic effects of pension reform. We also formulate some important policy recommendations that can be derived from this research. Furthermore, we evaluate the propositions of the Commission Pension Reform 2020-2040 in the light of our recommendations. Our evaluation of the Commission’s propositions is mostly positive, considering the progress they imply on criteria such as working longer, pension system sustainability and inequality-reduction. We believe however that pension system reform proposals should also take into account the impact of the pension system on schooling decisions, productivity and long-run growth, and fertility. In this respect, we put forward some complementary adjustments to the Commission’s propositions

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