We introduce a category Ooscβ of q-oscillator
representations of the quantum affine algebra Uqβ(glβnβ).
We show that Ooscβ has a family of irreducible
representations, which naturally corresponds to finite-dimensional irreducible
representations of quantum affine algebra of untwisted affine type A. It is
done by constructing a category of q-oscillator representations of the
quantum affine superalgebra of type A, which interpolates these two family of
irreducible representations. The category Ooscβ can
be viewed as a quantum affine analogue of the semisimple tensor category
generated by unitarizable highest weight representations of
glu+vβ (n=u+v) appearing in the
(glu+vβ,glββ)-duality on a bosonic Fock space.Comment: 41 pages, Abstract and Introduction revised, together with minor