Child Development & Covid-19: How Different Modes of Interpersonal Communication Impact Social Skills in Early Elementary School Students


Due to Covid-19, many American schools ceased in-person instruction during the 2020/21 school year. These closures have severely impacted young children’s academic and social development. This study focuses on the influence of school closures on social development, specifically the difference in the effect of online and in-person interactions. Thirty-nine parents of first and second graders responded to a survey about their family’s experience during the 2020/21 school year. Questions focused on how 4 factors (mode of instruction, social interactions, support systems, and time for activities) impacted a child’s 3 primary social skills (play, emotion regulation, and communication). Results concluded that the mode of instruction had no impact on social skills scores. In-person interactions were associated with higher play scores. Implications of differences in social interactions are discussed

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