Available online 19 November 2021A growing body of research investigates individual differences in the learning of
statistical structure, tying them to variability in cognitive (dis)abilities. This
approach views statistical learning (SL) as a general individual ability that underlies
performance across a range of cognitive domains. But is there a general SL capacity
that can sort individuals from ‘bad’ to ‘good’ statistical learners? Explicating
the suppositions underlying this approach, we suggest that current evidence
supporting it is meager. We outline an alternative perspective that considers
the variability of statistical environments within different cognitive domains.
Once we focus on learning that is tuned to the statistics of real-world sensory
inputs, an alternative view of SL computations emerges with a radically different
outlook for SL research.This article was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant Project 692502-L2STAT and the Israel
Science Foundation (ISF) Grant Project 705/20, awarded to R.F. L.B. received funding from the ERC Advanced Grant Project
833029-LEARNATTEND. N.S. received funding from the ISF, grant number 48/2