The Implementation of Training and Development Programs in Civil Service Institutions of Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia


The role of civil service in socio-economic and political development of a country is unquestionable. In some countries, however, the civil service is not aligned with the prevailing ideological, political and economic changes as well as management theories. Moreover, in some countries, especially in Africa, the civil service is blamed as a major cause for social and political upheavals and economic crises because of institutional and capacity weakness. As a result, it is common to see many countries engaged in the reform of their civil service. In 1991, Ethiopia experienced political changes that resulted in the introduction of multi-party system, market-oriented economy and federal form of government. Accordingly, the government introduced civil service reform that includes the issues of human resource development under human resource management reform since 1996.  Studies revealed, however, that the implementation process was not going well. This article, therefore, aims to assess the implementation of training and development programs in civil service institutions of Oromia National Regional State in Ethiopia. The findings reveal that though the government is committed in developing a system of human resource development, the implementation is not on the right track to fill the skill gaps evident in the civil service

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