The Influence of Compensation and Organizational Culture and Work Conflict to Organizational Commitment and Cooperatives Management Performance in East Kalimantan - Indonesia


This study is intended to test and analyze the influence of compensation, organizational culture, and work conflict to organizational commitment and performance of cooperative management. The study used 120 persons of cooperative management on East Kalimantan as the respondents and used stratified random sampling method. The data was collected by using questionnaires and analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS program. The study found out that compensation has no significant influence to organizational commitment. The compensation has no significant influence to performance of cooperative management. The organizational culture and work conflict have significant influence to organizational commitment. The compensation and  organizational culture have no significant influence to the performance of cooperative management. The work conflict and organizational commitment have significant influence to the performance of cooperative management. Keywords : compensation, cooperative management performance, organization commitment, work conflict

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