Analysis of the effect of the observed variables on heart disease


U ovome završnom radu su objašnjeni osnovni pojmovi kao što je umjetna inteligencija i strojno učenje. Sadrži i opis klasifikacije i logističke regresije, jezika Python, virtualnog okruženja te Streamlit okvira koji se koriste za izradu aplikacije. Nakon teorijskog dijela, opisan je postupak izrade aplikacije koja čini praktični dio završnog rada. Može se vidjeti način pripremanja podataka, proces modeliranja, evaluacija modela te na kraju i sama izrada aplikacije u Streamlit okviru.In this thesis, terms such as artificial intelligence and machine learning are explained. It also contains a description of classification and logistic regression, the Python language, the virtual environment and the Streamlit framework which are used to create application. After the theoretical part, the process of creating application, which forms the practical part of this thesis is described. You can see the method of data preparation, modeling process, model evaluation and finally the creation of the application in the Streamlit framework

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