Assistive Technology and Older Adults: Education to Support Evidence-Based Practice


Background: In 2020 there were over 54 million older adults in the U.S. (USCB, 2020). Nearly 90% of these older adults intend to live in their homes and communities for as long as possible (AARP, 2011) although nearly 40% of individuals 65+ report having at least one disability (USCB, 2014). Community partner LiveLife Therapy Solutions (LLTS) seeks to provide assistive technology (AT) services to community-dwelling individuals of all ages, supporting their independence. They have recently branched out into the aging sector. Continued education can aid practitioners in use of evidence-based practice (EBP) to support older adults (Stetler et al., 2014). Purpose: The purpose of this capstone project was to use education to aid interdisciplinary practitioners in use of EBP relating to the support of community-dwelling older adults through use of AT. Methods: After a review of evidence-based literature, nine educational modules were created. Five of the nine modules were presented to LLTS consultants using a combination of synchronous and asynchronous methods. The effectiveness of the education was then determined based upon analysis of pre/posttests. Results: Participants (n=16) rated education highly and education-specific learning was seen during pretest/posttest comparison. Greater changes in practitioner confidence were seen after synchronous presentation than asynchronous. Areas of key learning, proposed future topic areas, and suggestions for improvement were also identified. Implications: Findings supported that education, especially when synchronous, can help support learning and EBP. Continuing education can be used to support professionals at LLTS and beyond in the field of AT and older adults, but more research is needed on AT use with older adults

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