
Abstract Leisure time is time that is used as a means of developing potential, improving personal quality, increasing mental freshness. This study aims to determine the use of leisure time for sports activities for members of the Dit Pamobvit in BSI, Banyuwangi City. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using a survey method with the instrument used in the form of a questionnaire consisting of 14 questions. The population research subjects used were members of the Dit Pamobvit with a total of 20 people. In this study, the indicators used in this study include 4, namely free time, sports activities, members of the Dit Pamobvit in BSI Banyuwangi. The results of this study indicate that the majority of the use of leisure time by doing sports activities are in the sufficient category, namely as many as 11 people (75%) and while as many as 9 people (25%) in the category of not using their spare time for sports activities. And with the results of the calculation of 20 people obtained in the normal category 6 people (30%), fat 10 people (50%), obese 4 people (20%). The results of the calculation of the body mass index data for men and women obtained an average (mean) = 26.60. Based on the results of the study, the implications of the research results are the use of leisure time with sports activities for members of the East Java Regional Police Pamobvit. If seen from this study, Dit Pamobvit members have filled their spare time with various activities quite well. Members of Dit Pamobvit should increase the use of leisure time which is sufficient to make it very good. Keywords: Leisure Time, Sports Activities, Pamobvit Member, BSI Banyuwang

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