Characterization of marble weathering through pore structure quantitative analysis


Y Stone weathering is strongly controlled by the intrinsic properties of the stone and by its use. Previous studies demonstrate that the response to natural or artificial ageing processes of the rocks seems to be strongly influenced by the pore structure of the stone. A better understanding of this phenomenon is provided by the study and characterization of porosity and of the pore structure at different degrees of alteration. The analysis of the evolution of the decay leads to the evaluation of the durability of marble in facades, and more generally in buildings, as well as for the protection and recovery of artistic and architectural heritage.In this paper, we apply a methodology for the geometrical characterization of the pore structure to quantify alteration induced by natural weathering on marble slabs. The approach is based on the application of a path-finding algorithm to 2D binary images representative of thin sections of marble at different degrees of alteration. Through the identification of the paths within the porous domain, the methodology allows the characterization of the pore structure in terms of pore radius distribution along the identified paths. Analysis of the results demonstrate a good agreement between the degree of alteration of the pore structure and the corresponding variation of the physical and mechanical properties of the rock samples under investigation

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