Merging Combinatorial Design and Optimization: the Oberwolfach Problem


The Oberwolfach Problem OP(F)OP(F), posed by Gerhard Ringel in 1967, is a paradigmatic Combinatorial Design problem asking whether the complete graph KvK_v decomposes into edge-disjoint copies of a 22-regular graph FF of order vv. In Combinatorial Design Theory, so-called difference methods represent a well-known solution technique and construct solutions in infinitely many cases exploiting symmetric and balanced structures. This approach reduces the problem to finding a well-structured 22-factor which allows us to build solutions that we call 11- or 22-rotational according to their symmetries. We tackle OPOP by modeling difference methods with Optimization tools, specifically Constraint Programming (CPCP) and Integer Programming (IPIP), and correspondingly solve instances with up to v=120v=120 within 60s60s. In particular, we model the 22-rotational method by solving in cascade two subproblems, namely the binary and group labeling, respectively. A polynomial-time algorithm solves the binary labeling, while CPCP tackles the group labeling. Furthermore, we prov ide necessary conditions for the existence of some 11-rotational solutions which stem from computational results. This paper shows thereby that both theoretical and empirical results may arise from the interaction between Combinatorial Design Theory and Operation Research

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