
Abstract The background of this research is the research context, every human being is obliged to study all fields of moral science (characteristics). Such as generous, miserly, cowardly, arrogant, polite, refrain from sin and so on. Because it is impossible to know and avoid except by studying it. That's why everyone must learn it. Research focus. What is the morals of the Darussalam Islamic boarding school students from the village of Blokagung? Karangdoro district. Tegalsari is in accordance with the moral concept of the book of ta'lim al-muta'alim. The purpose of the study was to find out whether the morals of the students of the Darussalam Islamic boarding school, the son of Blokagung, were in accordance with the concept of the book of ta'lim al-muta'alim. In answering these problems, this research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. To analyze the morals of the students of the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School Putra Blokagung using data collection techniques, namely by conducting interviews (interviews), participant observation and documentation. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that globally, the students of the Darussalam Islamic boarding school Putra Blokagung are in accordance with the concept of the book ta'lim al-muta'alim, both in terms of learning such as examples of how to deal with caregivers, teachers and ustadz and others, although not yet 100% of all which is in the book ta'lim al-muta'alim applied to all students. AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi Konteks penelitian, setiap manusia wajib mempelajari segala bidang Ilmu akhlak (budi pekerti). Seperti dermawan, kikir, penakut, sombong, sopan santun, menahan diri dari dosa dan lain sebagainya. Karena hal itu tersebut tak mungkin dapat diketahui dan dihindari kecuali dengan mempelajarinya. Karena itulah siapa saja wajib mempelajarinya. Fokus penelitian. Apakah akhlak santri pondok pesantren Darussalam putra Blokagung desa. Karangdoro kecematan. Tegalsari sesuai dengan konsep akhlak kitab ta’lim al-muta’alim. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengatahui apakah akhlak santri pondok pesantren Darussalam putra Blokagung sesuai dengan konsep kitab ta’lim al-muta’alim. Dalam menjawab permasalahan tersebut penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Untuk menganalisa tentang akhlak santri pondok pesantren Darussalam putra blokagung dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan melakukan wawancara (Interviue), observasi partisipan dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwasanya secara global santri pondok pesantren Darussalam putra Blokagung sesuai dengan konsep kitab ta’lim al-muta’alim, baik dari segi dalam belajar seperti contoh cara perhadapan kepada pengasuh, guru dan ustadz dan lainnya, meskipun belum 100% semua yang ada dalam kitab ta’lim al-muta’alim diterapkan disemua santri

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