Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya
Currently, the existence of information technology is unavoidable. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes in consumer consumption patterns from traditional sales patterns to a website-based digitalized sales system. MSMEs in Janti village still use the traditional sales system. This condition makes it difficult for MSMEs in Janti village to carry out sales promotions. The purpose of community service is to provide solutions faced through socialization activities and website creation training as a means of promoting MSME products in Janti village. This is a new breakthrough for MSMEs because traditional marketing is no longer effective. Implementation of activities with the methods of socialization, discussion, and training. The socialization and training activities received a positive response from MSME actors. Overall, the activity went smoothly and received a positive response from MSME actors. The results of these activities have an impact on increasing sales so that the income of MSMEs also increases as general, so that it will impact to increase economic and role of human resource. There the COVID-19 in 2020-2021 makes MSMEs in Janti Village have capable although has hard work