Life history and pheromone response in Pissodes schwarzi Hopk. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)


Pitfall traps baited with live Pissodes schwarzi Hopk. males plus pine sections captured 46 female P. schwarzi from I June to 1 September, 1989, indicating the presence of a male-produced sex pheromone. No weevils were captured in unbaited traps, or those baited with females on pine or pine sections alone. Seasonal response of P. schwarzi females to the male-baited pifall traps indicated peak. periods of activity in early June, representing overwintered adults, and mid- to late July, corresponding to the emergence of new adults. Development time of P. schwarzi varied depending on oviposition location on the tree. Overwintered brood adults began to oviposit in May and continued through August

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