On Infinitely Many Rational Approximants to ζ(3)


A set of second order holonomic difference equations was deduced from a set of simultaneous rational approximation problems. Some orthogonal forms involved in the approximation were used to compute the Casorati determinants for its linearly independent solutions. These solutions constitute the numerator and denominator sequences of rational approximants to ζ(3) . A correspondence from the set of parameters involved in the holonomic difference equation to the set of holonomic bi-sequences formed by these numerators and denominators appears. Infinitely many rational approximants can be generated.The research of J.A. was funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación of Spain, grant number PGC-2018-096504-B-C33 and Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, grant number CC-G08-UC3M/ESP-4516

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