
Reactive gases play an important role in climate and air pollution issues. They control the self-cleansing capability of the troposphere, contribute to air pollution and acid deposition, regulate the lifetimes and provide tracers for deciphering sources and sinks for greenhouse gases. Within GAW, the focus is placed on long-term, high-quality observations of ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur dioxide (SO2). More than 100 stations worldwide carry out reactive gases measurements with data reported to two World Data Centers. The reactive gases program in GAW cooperates The WMO GAW Reactive Gases Program with regional networks and other global monitoring initiatives in order to attain a complete picture of the tropospheric chemical composition. Observations are being made by in-situ monitoring, measurements from commercial routine air-crafts (e.g. IAGOS), column observations, and from flask sampling networks. Quality control and coordination of measurements between participating stations are a primary emphasis. GAW reactive gases data in rapid delivery mode are used to evaluate operational atmospheric composition forecasts in the EU Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service. Oversight of the program is provided by GAW-WMO coordinated Reactive Gases Scientific Advisory Committee (RG-SAG)

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