This study aims to describe: (1) strategies to improve the quality of
education in Vocational High School (VHS) at Sedayu sub-district, (2) factors that
influence in improving the quality of education in Vocational High School (VHS)
at Sedayu sub-district
This research used descriptive qualitative approaches. The subjects of this
research are principal, teacher, head of administration, school committee, and
students. This research was conducted at SMK Darma Bhakti Sedayu, SMK Santo
Paulus 1 Sedayu, and SMK Negeri 1 Sedayu. Techniques of data collection by
interview, observation, and documentation. The validity of the data by
triangulation of sources and techniques. Techniques of data analysis use an
interactive model by Miles and Hubberman.
The result of the research. 1) Strategy to improve the quality of education
in VHS at Sedayu sub-district are (a) empower the potential of learners, (b)
optimize the MGMP, (c) improve the professionalism of teachers, (d) cooperate
with parents, committees, and society, (e) improve academic and non academic
achievement, and (f) implementation of character education. 2) Factors that
influence in improving the quality of education in VHS at Sedayu sub-district are:
(a) headmaster leadership, (b) educators and education personnel, (c) student’s,
(d) curriculum, (e) finance, (f) facilities and infrastructure, and (g) school