Occupational noise-induced hearing loss prevalence and noise abatement techniques in a steel-making plant


BACKGROUND : A high prevalence of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is observed amongst employees in the steel manufacturing industry. OBJECTIVE : To determine the prevalence of NIHL and current noise abatement techniques implemented at a steel manufacturing plant. METHODS : Structured questionnaires were completed by permanent employees at a steel-manufacturing plant for the purpose of collecting information on occupational and medical histories, noise exposure in and outside the work environment, use of hearing protection devices (HPDs), and current noise abatement procedures. A walk-through survey was also conducted to observe implemented noise abatement techniques using the Noise Induced Hearing Loss Regulations of 2003 as a guideline. RESULTS : A total of 17.9% of workers suffered from NIHL (95% CI 11.8% - 22.5%). Administrative controls, lubrication and mufflers were identified by more than 70% of the respondents as control procedures most often implemented by the company. Most of the respondents (77%) used HPDs always and 97% indicated that they fit their HPDs at the beginning of the shift. CONCLUSION : NIHL remains a significant health problem in this steel industry despite the implementation of noise abatement techniques and the implementation of a noise conservation programme with all the required elements.University of Pretoriahttp://www.occhealth.co.zahb201

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