
The arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft.) is a native culture of the Andean mountain ranges, the main types of processing the production of dehydrated mashed, flakes, flour, starch, pre-cooked, among others. The term chips is originally American and refers to thin slices of potato fried in oil or fat may be added various flavors late in the process. The aim of this work was to determine the physical and chemical composition, physical and sensory quality of fried chips of arracacha. The results showed that the root in nature has a high water content (73.51%), which together with microbiological and physical injuries, contributing to the reduction of its shelf life. However its solids content (26.4%) favored the production of fried chips, no significant changes were observed in the color parameters L * a * b * of ready compared to the raw material in nature, indicating minimal changes resulting from frying process. Although the fried chips has presented firmer texture when compared to the same product from raw materials similar in the scientific literature, this result did not influence the uptake by consumers whose scores for flavor, appearance, flavor and texture ranged 7-8, concerning hedonic terms "like moderately" and "liked" both to consumers male and female in age groups studied (10-50 years). The processing of root arracacha to obtain fried chips was promising for commercialization by their acceptance and purchase intent

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