Discovery Of A Wide Planetary-Mass Companion Of A Brown Dwarf In The Upper Scorpius Association


We present the discovery of a 14+2-8 Mjup companion located at 670 AU from UScoC-TIO 108, a 60±20MJup brown dwarf of the very young Upper Scorpius association. Optical and near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy confirm that both the primary and secondary are very cool objects, with Teff of 2700 and 2100 K, respectively, and that they are bona fide young members of the association. We will discuss the implications of the existence of wide substellar companions in current models of formation of these very low-mass objects. The results of this proceeding is also published in Béjar et al. 2008, ApJ, 673, L185. © 2009 American Institute of Physics

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