Comparative Study of the Legal Position of Notary in Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates


This study aims to determine how the similarities and differences in the legal authority of the notary office in Indonesia and the notary in the United Arab Emirates, the existence of the authority and responsibility of the notary as well as the ideal model in the development and improvement of notary services obtained from comparing the two countries. The method used is a comparative research method. Techniques for reviewing and analyzing legal materials are using literature study. The results of this research are, first, Notary in Indonesia and Notary in the United Arab Emirates have the same characteristics but also differ in several ways, these differences include requirements for notary appointment, including age requirements,education, apprenticeship, oath of office, technology application and there is also a type of private notary that does not apply in Indonesia. Second, Notaries in Indonesia and in the United Arab Emirates both have the same authority as Notaries in making authentic deeds and in terms of responsibility for the deeds they make, both have the same existence in carrying out their duties as Notaries. The difference in several things is in the rules of authority for Public Notaries and Private Notaries which are not in the rules of the Law on the Position of Notary Public in Indonesia. Third, the ideal model in developing and improving notary services obtained from the results of comparing with the United Arab Emirates can be seen from the access to Notary services which can be done online

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