Robot Extenics Control Developed by Versatile, Intelligent and Portable Robot Vipro Platform Applied on Firefighting Robots


The firefighting robot control using intelligent Extenics control interfaces ICEx developed by versatile, intelligent and portable robot VIPRO platform is presented. Subsequently, VIPRO platform architecture, the innovative versatile, intelligent, portable platform, is applied on firefighting robots VIP- FiR&FiTRo, Extenics intelligent control and Universe of Discourse in an Extenics Transformation are detailed.  The Extenics Control Method with Fuzzy Smoothing is developed and tested using a simple DC motor configuration in the Matlab / Simulink programming environment. A sequence for the Intelligent Control Interface Code integrated into the VIPRO is presented. The results prove the possibilities for tweaking and optimizing by intelligent Extenics control developed on VIPRO platform in order to obtain improved performance are virtually limitless

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