Studi Biokomputasi Aktivitas Senyawa-Senyawa Bahan Alam


Abstrak Senyawa bahan alam sebagai sediaan farmasi telah banyak diteliti. Banyak penelitian isolasi senyawa bahan alam yang telah dipublikasi. Selain isolasi senyawa bahan alam, penelitian uji coba bahan alam yang berpotensi sebagai obat suatu penyakit juga telah banyak dipublikasikan. Studi In-Silico potensi senyawa bahan alampun kini semakin sering digunakan untuk mengetahui potensi senyawa bahan alam tersebut. Melalui metode komputasi ini, peneliti lebih mengetahui interaksi senyawa dengan enzim atau molekul target.Kata Kunci :  In-Silico, Senyawa Bahan Alam, Metode KomputasiAbstract Compounds of natural ingredients as pharmaceutical preparations have been widely studied. Many studies on the isolation of natural compounds have been published. In addition to the isolation of compounds from natural ingredients, trials of natural materials that have the potential to cure a disease have also been published. In-Silico studies of the potential of natural compounds are now increasingly being used to determine the potential of these natural compounds. Through this computational method, researchers know more about the interaction of compounds with enzymes or target moleculesKeywords: In-Silico, Natural Material Compounds, Computational Methods

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