Los diferentes enfoques de entrada al mercado entre México y los Países Bajos


This research displays market entry approaches for all kind of businesses in the case of Mexico and the Netherlands. It shows a general up-to-date country and market (risk) analysis for both countries by applying a DESTEP analysis. In addition, the outcome of this research can be seen as a guidebook for businesses that are thinking, but do not know how to begin with the idea, of expanding their current business operations. Throughout the research the biggest differences regarding the characteristics of both countries have been outlined while, at the same time, implementing the best possible market entry strategy approaches for each kind of country and business characteristic. For any type of entity willing to expand its current business operations it should take into consideration the nation as well as the local market entry barriers, and giving each single element a level of importance that will help to decide which market to enter and by what market entry strategy.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster Universitario en Estudios Avanzados en Dirección de Empresa

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