Application of KALYPSO as a diagnostic tool for beam and spectral analysis


KALYPSO is a novel detector capable of operating at frame rates up to 12 MHz developed and tested at the institute of data processing and electronics (IPE) and employed at Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA) which is part of the Test Facility and Synchrotron Radiation Source KIT. This detector consists of silicon, InGaAs, PbS, or PbSe line array sensor with spectral sensitivity from 350 nm to 5000 nm. The unprecedented frame rate of this detector is achieved by a custom-designed ASIC readout chip. The FPGA-readout architecture enables continuous data acquisition and real-time data processing. Such a detector has various applications in the fields of beam diagnostics and spectral analysis. KALYPSO is currently employed at various synchrotron facilities for electro-optical spectral decoding (EOSD) to study the longitudinal profile of the electron beam, to study the energy spread of the electron beam, tuning of free-electron lasers (FELs), and also in characterizing laser spectra. This contribution will present an overview of the results from the mentioned applications

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