Nomenclatural Changes for Some Diatoms Found in Iowa


Nomenclatural revisions for four diatom taxa found in Iowa, two of which are presently maintained in the Loras College Freshwater Diatom Culture Collection (FDCC), are necessary because of systematic interpretations of the Division Bacillariophyta. Achnanthidium hauckianum (Grun.) Czarnecki comb. nov. was originally assigned to the genus Achnanthes Bory. Three taxa were previously assigned to the morphologically diverse genus Navicula Bory. These are Cavinula weinzierlii (Schimanski) Czarnecki comb. nov., Craticula cuspidata var. major [(Meist.) Czarnecki comb. nov. and] Craticula halophila var. subcapitata (0str.) Czarnecki comb. nov

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