Welcome to the Profession: Exploring Perceptions of New Teacher Retention Supports


Numerous studies have identified a research to practice gap regarding teacher retention (Hagaman & Casey, 2018; Carver, 2003; CCSESA, 2016). In Minnesota, teacher retention is a concern as 51.32% of professional licensed teachers were not working as a public or charter school teacher during the 2019-2020 school year. (PELSB, 2021). The objective of our ongoing phenomenological study is to identify and address what common themes exist across multiple groups of educational professionals regarding retention rates of Minnesota teachers new to the profession. Our study employs grounded theory to analyze educational professionals’ reflective writings to expand insights regarding why half of the state’s fully licensed teachers are leaving the field, examine supports provided to new teachers, and determine what supports would be most beneficial for retention. This study compares the perceptions of beginning teacher supports through three different lenses (pre-service, in-service, and administrative). Insights gained from this study will inform preparation program content, alleviate the research to practice gap, and empower education professionals to be agents of change for improved teacher retention rates

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