
Design and Implementation of Electric Power Real-time Monitoring System Based on SCADA


电力系统管理体制的深化改革,变电所的自动化技术在不断进步。目前很多 变电站已逐步实现无人值班或值守。另一方面供电系统各变电站、各单位也都有 了相应的专用网络,随着供电系统的全面改革,对于变电所,除了常规的自动化 系统之外,电网实时监控系统是日常管控工作中急需的一套软件系统。通过监控 系统实施,可以是实现变电站自动运行,大量减少现场操作和控制,监控中心可 以方便进行变电站设备的管理和控制,大大提高了集中监控的综合调度和运行管 理能力。 基于SCADA(SupervisoryControlAndDataAcquisition,即数据采集与监视 控制)技术的电网实时监控系统,采用了微...Deepen reform of power system management system, substation automation technology continues to progress. At present, many substation has been gradually realized unattended or duty. On the other hand the substation power supply system, the units also have a corresponding private network, along with a comprehensive reform of the power supply system for substations, in addition to conventional a...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323175

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