Matching Patterns with Variables Under Edit Distance


A pattern α\alpha is a string of variables and terminal letters. We say that α\alpha matches a word ww, consisting only of terminal letters, if ww can be obtained by replacing the variables of α\alpha by terminal words. The matching problem, i.e., deciding whether a given pattern matches a given word, was heavily investigated: it is NP-complete in general, but can be solved efficiently for classes of patterns with restricted structure. If we are interested in what is the minimum Hamming distance between ww and any word uu obtained by replacing the variables of α\alpha by terminal words (so matching under Hamming distance), one can devise efficient algorithms and matching conditional lower bounds for the class of regular patterns (in which no variable occurs twice), as well as for classes of patterns where we allow unbounded repetitions of variables, but restrict the structure of the pattern, i.e., the way the occurrences of different variables can be interleaved. Moreover, under Hamming distance, if a variable occurs more than once and its occurrences can be interleaved arbitrarily with those of other variables, even if each of these occurs just once, the matching problem is intractable. In this paper, we consider the problem of matching patterns with variables under edit distance. We still obtain efficient algorithms and matching conditional lower bounds for the class of regular patterns, but show that the problem becomes, in this case, intractable already for unary patterns, consisting of repeated occurrences of a single variable interleaved with terminals

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