Relative Affine Localization for Robust Distributed Formation Control


Multiagent systems have been widely researched and deployed in the industry for their potential to collectively achieve goals by distributing tasks to individual agents [1]–[4]. Formation control, one of the many applications of multiagent systems, aims at steering agents into a stable geometric pattern in space [3], [4]. There has been a variety of crafted distributed controllers in literature based on different dynamics that agents follow, and different variables that agents sense and control [5]. Affine formation control is brought to the spotlight where N agents in RD converge to the target formation up to an affine transformation [6]. A more general scenario of affine formation control is the dynamic formation maneuvering problem where the target configuration is time-varying and the agents need to not only converge to the desired formation but also track the maneuvering pattern. This problem is addressed in [7] where a series of controller designs are introduced depending on the dynamics of the agents...Circuits and System

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