Selecting Cooking Stove and Fuel Technology Using Pairwise Comparison Method


The focus of this project was to apply the Pair-Wise Comparison Method to the topic of cooking stove and fuel technologies in developing world communities. The issue of cooking stoves is a significant one since the most commonly used stove and fuel type has serious health, environmental and economic downsides. As a result, there is increasing attention and resources being given to the idea of providing communities and households with stove and fuel types that are more efficient, produce less pollution, and are more easily maintained. There were 24 technologies stove and fuel combinations considered in the project. These technologies were evaluated against four criteria – efficiency, emissions, cost, and job creation. The source of information was ratings by experts specifically chosen based on their area of expertise. Although the surveys were sent to 15 experts, only five returned them in time for inclusion in the results of this paper. Due to the low number of returned surveys, each technology was only rated by one expert, instead of multiple expert rating per technology as was originally intended in the design of the model

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