A study of chewing muscles: Age-related changes in type I collagen and matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression


Objective: In this study, the aim was to investigate the biochemical, physiological and histological changes that occur in masticatory muscles of the masticatory system with aging. Design: In this study, 14 BALB/c mice were used. Animals were divided into two equal groups of seven. Group I was organized as the group of young animals (n = 7) and Group II as the group of adult animals (n = 7). After routine histological follow-up was performed, the tissues were embedded in paraffin. 4-5 μm thick cross-sections were taken from paraffin-embedded tissues and they were stained with Haemotoxylin and Eosin Type I collagen and Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) immunohistochemically. Results: It was observed that there was a decrease and shrinking in blood vessels due to aging. In young mice, Type I collagen and MMP-2 immunoreactivity in the masseter muscle tissue showed low staining, while Type I collagen and MMP-2 immunoreactivity in the temporal muscle tissue showed moderate staining. Type I collagen and MMP-2 immunoreactivity were significantly higher in the masseter and temporal muscles of elderly mice (p = 0.001). In the H-score evaluation, MMP-2 immune reactivity was significantly lower in young mice than in older mice (p = 0.001). Conclusion: It was determined that severe pain complications and functional losses are likely to occur with the increase of degeneration due to aging of masticator muscles

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