Here we study the wave propagation and stability of general relativistic
non-resistive dissipative second-order magnetohydrodynamic equations in curved
space-time. We solve the Boltzmann equation for a system of particles and
antiparticles using the relaxation time approximation and the
Chapman-Enskog-like gradient expansion for the off-equilibrium distribution
function, truncating beyond second-order in curved space-time in
electromagnetic fields. Unlike holographic calculation~\cite{Baier:2007ix}, we
show that the viscous evolution equations do not explicitly depend on the
curvature of space-time. Also, we have tested the causality and stability of
the second-order theory in curved space-time in the presence of linearised
metric perturbation and derived dispersion relations for various modes.
Interestingly, we found the coupling of gravitational modes with the usual
magneto-sonic modes in the small wave-number limit. Also, we show additional
non-hydrodynamical modes arise due to gravity for a bulk-viscous fluid.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure