Patterns of involvement of brain structures in generating theta waves in patients with migraine and vasovagal syncope (neurophysiological and therapeutic aspects)


Catedra Medicină Alternativă şi Complementară USMF "Nicolae Testemiţanu"The paper analyzed the patterns of involvement of brain structures in generating theta waves in patients with vasovagal syncope and migraine applying EEG functional tomography (Brain program Loc-4) and the options for differential treatment by applying transcranial direct current stimulation. We have analyzed 22 patients suffering from migraine in combination with vasovagal syncope. The dysfunction of limbic-diencephalic system by the frequency of involvement of other brain structures manifests itself in different patterns: limbic-diencephalic – 9.1%; limbic-cortical-subcortical-diencephalic – 27.3%; diencephalic-brainstem-cerebellar – 45.4%, diffuse cerebral limbic-diencephalic – 18.2%. cases. It was established that the effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation depends on patterns of brain structures involved in generating theta waves. În lucrare sunt analizate patternurile de implicare a structurilor cerebrale în generarea undelor teta la bolnavii cu migrenă şi sincope vasovagale aplicând EEG-tomografia funcţională (programul Brain Loc-4) şi posibilităţile de tratament diferenţiat cu aplicarea stimulării transcraniene directe cu curent continuu. Au fost analizaţi 22 pacienţi care suferă de migrenă în asociere cu sincope vasovagale. Disfuncţia sistemului limbic-diencefalic după frecvenţa implicării altor structuri cerebrale se manifestă în diferite patternuri: limbic-diencefalic – 9,1%; limbic-diencefalic cortical-subcortical – 27,3%; limbic-diencefalic truncular-cerebelar – 45,4%; limbic-diencefalic cerebral difuz – 18,2%. S-a stabilit că eficienţa tratamentului prin stimularea transcraniană directă cu curent continuu depinde de patternurile structurilor cerebrale implicate în generarea undelor teta

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