The effect of Fertec-type liquid fertilizers on the ecological protection of the environment


In this scientific paper, we have shown the apparent degrees of the efficient use of nutrients from leaf fertilizers (GAUPENICF) and the productive degrees of the efficient use of nutrients from soil reserves (GUPENsol), based on greenhouse tomato yields, obtained after applying leaf fertilizers. In our trials, we have tested the fertilization method and leaf compositions as methods of plant fertilization, for correcting and supplementing crop nutrition in greenhouses and preventing environment pollution. By applying leaf fertilizers in greenhouse tomato crops, we have obtained high yield increases and a significant diminution in the chemical pollution of the environment. The incomplete use by the crop of nutrients from applied fertilizers has determined the increase in the incidence of soil chemical pollution. However, soil fertility may be diminished by high uptakes of soil nutrients, under conditions of weak nutrient supply of soil (without basic fertilization). Therefore, we recommended the concomitant use of soil and leaf fertilization

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