Recently it became clear that opioids, besides their role in analgesia, mayalso induce hyperalgesia. Something
what in the past was called opioidneurotoxicity. Hyperalgesia, or hypersensitivity to pain stimuli may
berelated to well known problems of tolerance to opioids. Hyperalgesia is amajor clinical problem and its
recognition and treatment are of paramountimportance. It is believed that uncoupling of opioid receptors
from theGi/Go proteins and coupling them to Gs protein changes dramatically activityof opioid receptors. In
this article the different aspects of diagnosis andtreatment of hyperalgesia are discussed.Recently it became clear that opioids, besides their role in analgesia, mayalso induce hyperalgesia. Something
what in the past was called opioidneurotoxicity. Hyperalgesia, or hypersensitivity to pain stimuli may
berelated to well known problems of tolerance to opioids. Hyperalgesia is amajor clinical problem and its
recognition and treatment are of paramountimportance. It is believed that uncoupling of opioid receptors
from theGi/Go proteins and coupling them to Gs protein changes dramatically activityof opioid receptors. In
this article the different aspects of diagnosis andtreatment of hyperalgesia are discussed