Knowledge and Practice of Post-Operative Wound Infection Prevention among Nurses in the Surgical Unit of a Teaching Hospital in Nigeria


This study was carried out to determine the level of knowledge and practice of post operative wound infection prevention among nurses in the surgical unit of Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, Ile-Ife. The study was a cross-sectional descriptive survey involving the use of structured self administered questionnaire. A purposive sample of 100 nurses who work in the surgical units participated in this study. Data analysis was done using SPSS version 16. The findings showed that 66% of the participants had good knowledge of infection control while 68% had poor knowledge of prevention of post operative wound infection. Application of sterile dressings to the surgical wound and strict adherence to asepsis were the most occurring precautionary measures adopted by nurses in the prevention of post operative wound infection. Excess work load and poor attitude featured most frequently among the respondents as factors that militate against the prevention of post operative wound infection. The findings of this study suggest that nurses had poor knowledge and attitude of infection contact and poor attitude towards infection control. Therefore, there is an urgent need for continuing education programmes for the nurses to improve their knowledge and attitude for better patient care.Key words: Nurses, Knowledge, Practice, Surgical wound, Infection, Preventio

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